
Throughout my  life I’ve been getting up and combating against  the odds. Every time the evil clutches of destiny pulled me down I have been lifted by that omnipotent and omnipresent force-What do I call it? Guru, God, Divine, Almighty. ..After all what is there in a name .  The reminiscences of these fight against odds prompted me to come up with this title for the blog- Get Up and Go.

Well it doesn’t mean that I will be penning down just drab and melancholic posts.  Vivid memories, incidents and occasions have always ornamented this journey.  A significant part of my life has been with a great being who gave a new direction to my life.  My GURUI adore and surrender to the Divine lotus feet of my beloved Master. So Guru and the path might consume a major chunk of my posts.

For the last of couple of years my profession has compelled me to stick to the rules of writing. Here i will be  flouting the rules of writing. Honestly, this  was the sinister purpose of starting this blog.

So let us toy with the idea of musing on everything under the sky. Life, death, friends, foes, spirituality, materialism, communism, fanaticism, narcissism, tourism. obsession, ego, …never ending list!!